Helping or Harming? Compulsory Income Management in Australia and New Zealand

Imagine that during the Covid-19 lockdown you had no means to buy online goods, because your EFTPOS-like card could only be used in person at a ...
Louise Humpage
Welfare, Incomes

Let Beneficiaries Keep More Earnings: A Letter to Jacinda, Grant and Carmel

Rather than encouraging beneficiaries to do more paid work if they can, the current thresholds have exactly the opposite effect.
Anne Else

Back-To-School Costs: a Looming Spiral of Debt

Single parents on low incomes are always treading water. The problem is that when we start the year facing several hundred dollars of costs, well, ...
Renee Manella
Education, Incomes

The Recovery Phase of Christmas - Is There Really Such a Thing?

Doing Christmas ‘on the cheap’ is not as easy as many suggest it is, and often with the best of intentions those who try still end up spending more ...
Jeni Cartwright

Important Questions From an Advocate at the Coalface

In her work as an advocate who supports beneficiaries with their Work and Income (WINZ) appointments, author Pip Colgan sees many heartbreaking cases ...
Pip Colgan

It’s Money Week, Let’s Talk About Debt for Low-Income Families

CPAG talks to Robert Choy, executive officer at Ngā Tangata Microfinance about high-interest debt and its effects on low-income families.

Dispelling the Myths of Food Poverty

There's a mountain of research to show that when it's incredibly hard to make ends meet, it's food that takes the hit, because it's the only flexible ...
Anne Else