High School Students and Poverty: What Does It Mean to Them?
By Therese Luxton
In October 2015, Therese Luxton, one of Child Poverty Action Group’s education and learning spokespeople, visited James Cook High School in Manurewa to discuss with students what poverty is like for real New Zealand families. The feedback they shared was sobering, and illuminating.
They were asked the question:
What would having enough money mean to you?
Not worrying about bills – for example, power and water
Not worrying about church things
Not worrying about the water and not worrying about cars and other costs
Not having to worry about buying my clothes and being able to buy whatever I want, especially my lunch
I wouldn’t have to worry about anything because I’ve got money to pay for what I want – for example, a Christmas present or straighteners
Being able to provide your family with goods
Kids would go to school with food in their lunchboxes
Not having to ask to look for loans
A full stomach each and every day
Not worrying about power and water bills
Not worrying about what is to come tomorrow
Not worrying about going hungry
Parents won’t need to worry much about their kids not having enough things in life
Having enough money to send each child to school
Not needing to worry about having bills overdue
Not worrying about turning the heater on
Buying food – a full stomach
Not worrying about it!
Buying heaps of fruit each week
Being happy and enjoying life without being stressed
Affording things that could help me improve my studies
Having enough money so my parents don’t have to worry about health bills
We could go on holidays back to our home island
I could afford to support myself without my parents worrying
Being able to care for myself and my family – not worrying
My dad won’t have to work six days a week to pay house bills
The Power of Manaakitanga: The Socially-Inclusive Practice of Sharing Food Amongst High School Students