Benefits Rights Guide- A Reference Guide for Individuals and Beneficiary Advocates
CPAG commissioned a reference guide for individuals and beneficiary advocates.
The Social Security Act is the main law setting out the entitlements available, the criteria for entitlement and types of situations that meet the criteria. It also gives you a set of rights for when you receive entitlements or ask MSD for help. Some other laws also apply, like the Privacy Act or Bill of Rights Act.
This reference guide is made to be useful for individuals when accessing Ministry of Social Development help or Beneficiary advocates supporting those accessing benefits.
The Benefit Rights Guide covers the following rights:
• Being told everything to which you are (or may be) entitled.
• Help so you can apply for all your entitlements.
• Backpay of a benefit you were entitled to but did not get because of an MSD error.
• Review and appeal rights to challenge decisions.
• Being sent a warning before being sanctioned.
• Repayments that do not cause too much hardship.
• Having incorrect debt cancelled or written off.
• To remain silent and not make yourself look guilty in fraud investigations.
• Your personal information kept safe and to have a copy of it.
• To record calls or meetings with MSD without asking permission or telling them.
• To apply for compensation if MSD causes you harm or loss.