Submission: Inquiry into school attendance
Investing in Children? Privatisation and Early Childhood Education and Care in Aotearoa New Zealand
Challenging the ‘old normal Privatisation in Aotearoa’s early childhood care and Education sector
Submission on the Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together - Whiri Nga Kura Tuatinitini
Submission on the Strategic Plan for Early Learning
Strategic Responses to the draft Early Learning Strategic Plan
A New Zealand where all Children can flourish: Priorities for Education
Early Childhood Education and care and barriers to inclusivity: Working toward a fairer system
Laybying our Future: The State of Student Hardship in New Zealand
Submission: Review of the Education Act 1989
The revolving door: Student mobility in Auckland schools
Submission: Education Amendment Bill (no.4)
Submission to Early Childhood Education Task Force 31 January 2011
View presentation
Low decile schools and teacher professional development
National Standards: Supporting Children's Learning or Tolley's Folly?
Underachievement is about more than attitudes
Secondary teaching, Social contexts and the lingering politics of blame
Education's 'inconvenient truth': persistent middle class advantage
Improving the schooling chances of New Zealand's poorest Children: policy and community challenges
The Irony of the NCEA: How Compulsory Exam Fees Prevent the Achievement of Students from Poor Families
A Study of Student Transience in South Auckland Primary Schools
The Student Loans Scheme