Open letter to the incoming government (2023)

Campaign Items
CPAG calls on Ministers to Reverse Lunch cuts with Budget bid
Ministers will right now be putting in their Budget bids for Budget 2025. On behalf of the children of New Zealand we ask the Ministers to consider ...
Benefit Sanctions, Income Support
Anti-poverty groups say amendments to Social Security Act will remove job seekers’ human rights
CPAG unveils election asks so every child can thrive
We have three key asks for politicians ahead of the election.
Child Poverty
CPAG daycare education fees parenting stay-at-home mum
Child Poverty
National's daycare tax credit doesn't put children first
Income Support, Welfare Fit For Families
Working for Families.
Income Support, Welfare Fit For Families
The only trade-off that matters
Affordable Housing., Public Housing
Government response to affordable rental housing crisis is not good enough
Income Support
Fairer Futures
Income Support
Income support changes fall short of what struggling households need - new research from Fairer Future collaboration
Child Poverty
Child Poverty, Child Poverty Reduction, Child Poverty Reduction Bill, Covid-19, Material Hardship, Income Support., covid 19 campaign, covid-19
Child Poverty
Bold policy changes needed urgently to shift stagnant child poverty rates
Income Support
Covid-19, Covid-19 Support, Food Insecurity, Food Banks, Income Support, Welfare Reform, Increasing Benefits., covid 19 campaign
Income Support
Families need immediate cash boost to prepare for Omicron surge, not food banks, poverty advocates warn
Social Security
Social Unemployment Insurance, Law Reform, Welfare, Welfare Reform, Welfare System, Welfare Overhaul.
Social Security
Social Insurance proposal would bake-in existing inequities and drive inequality
Oranga Tamariki, Child Wellbeing, Wellbeing, Law Reform, Child Advocacy.
Government must pause new children’s Bill to allow for proper consultation, says children’s organisation
Housing, Human Rights, Human Rights Commission, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Public Housing, Speculation, Affordable Housing.
CPAG welcomes HRC’s housing inquiry report: Calls on Govt to move beyond accountability to ambition
Social Security
Welfare Expert Advisory Group, Welfare Reform, WEAG, Welfare System, Benefits, Income Support, Supported Living Payment, Wellbeing Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Working for Families., weag
Social Security
Govt yet to fully implement a single key WEAG recommendation nearly three years on: new research
Child Poverty
Child Poverty Monitor, Pasifika, Māori, Disabled, Material Hardship, Child Poverty Targets, Disabled Children, Income Support, Income Inadequacy, Housing, Health, Accessible Support.
Child Poverty
Child Poverty Monitor 2021 highlights persistent inequities in rates of child poverty
Tax Policy
Tax Credits, Working for Families, Income Support, Benefits, tax, Australia., Inadequate Benefits
Tax Policy
New research: Australia supports children in families on benefits better than New Zealand
Tax Policy
Family Tax Credit, Tax, Tax Policy, Working for Families, Abatement, Child Poverty., Welfare Expert Advisory Group
Tax Policy
Government's family income tweaks out of touch and deeply disappointing
Child Poverty
Child Poverty Reduction, Child Poverty, Poverty, Children's Commisioner, Material Hardship, Pasifika, Working for Families, Income Support, Māori.
Child Poverty
Outgoing Children’s Commissioner says we must do more
Income Support
Income Support, covid 19 campaign
Income Support
Govt hardship announcement ignores children and whānau with the greatest needs
Income Support
Income Support, Covid-19, Health, covid 19 campaign
Income Support
Upcoming financial support needs to be nationwide, ongoing and backdated to start of lockdown
Income Support
Income support, Benefits, Sanctions, Benefit Sanctions, Wellbeing.
Income Support
CPAG commends removal of the Subsequent Child Policy, says it’s the right thing for our kids
ACC, Birth, Mothers, Injury, Health
Child Poverty Action Group welcomes moves to cover birth injuries under ACC
covid 19 campaign
Latest Jump in Weekly Benefit Numbers Highest Since First Lockdown
CPAG is urging the Government to immediately increase incomes for all families needing income support.
covid 19 campaign, covid-19
Government Response to Lockdown Poverty “Inadequate” and “Sluggish”
Emergency income relief is desperately needed for vast numbers of low-income families playing their part in lockdown.
covid 19 campaign, covid-19
Our Poorest Families Need Protection Now – Welfare Advocates
Families are dealing with high lockdown costs due to the halt of food-in-schools programmes, reduced supermarket specials, and increased data and ...
covid 19 campaign, covid-19
Poverty Burden for Children Increased Due to Government Neglect - New Report
CPAG Welcomes Moves to Protect Children Through Folic Acid Fortification
The addition of folic acid to all non-organic bread-making wheat flour will reduce the incidence of birth defects which can cause life-long ...
Sixty Percent of NZers Think the Govt Should Go Further With Benefit Increases
The UMR poll was commissioned by a group of 26 organisations under the Fairer Future banner, including unions, social service providers and child ...
covid 19 campaign, budget campaign
Anti-Poverty Groups Query Budget Benefit Delay, Call For Full Increases on 1 July
The Government has given no reason why these increases have been staggered.
income, budget campaign
Income Support Rises Welcome if Not Yet Enough
CPAG modelling shows many families paying low rent have income below poverty lines by around $100 - $230 a week.
covid 19 campaign
Government Report Shows Children Made to Suffer Unnecessarily
Due to systemic discrimination, whānau Māori, Pacific families and families with disabled members are more likely than others to be facing the toxic ...
Fix Working For Families, IWTC, Working For Families, WFF, FWFF
Wage Increases Outpace Income Support for Children
Families in low-paid work with three children would have received up to $1900 more over the last two years if income support for children ...
WEAG, Fairer Futures
NGOs and Campaign Groups Say ‘People Are Hurting’ After Govt Inaction
This call comes as the Child Poverty Action Group releases a stocktake showing none of the WEAG's 42 recommendations has been fully implemented.
Government Housing Package “Ignores Elephant in the Room”
While the bright-line extension and the removal of interest deductibility are likely to cool the property market a little, they will not address ...
Statistics, covid 19 campaign
“Shocking, Disappointing” Child Poverty Statistics Show Incrementalism Isn’t Working
We’re particularly worried as we know child poverty will have increased due to COVID-19.
Fairer Futures
Government Should Do More for Country’s Poorest, New Poll Suggests
Polling out today shows seven out of ten (69%) of New Zealanders agree “the Government should increase income support for those on low incomes and ...
covid 19 campaign
Government Leaves Disadvantaged Children to Face “Most Severe” COVID-19 Effects
Children and their families are likely to face "significant and wide-ranging" negative effects from COVID-19, according to Prime Minister Jacinda ...
WEAG, Child Poverty Monitor, Statistics
Child Poverty Monitor 2020 Shows ‘Bold Action’ Required to Turn Tide on Child Poverty
Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) welcomes the 2020 Child Poverty Monitor report and agrees with the finding that ‘bold action’ is required to turn ...
Progress on Welfare Reform “Unjustifiably Slow”
None of the 42 key recommendations made by the Welfare Expert Advisory Group (WEAG) in February 2019 have been fully implemented, according to a ...
covid 19 campaign, covid-19, Fairer Futures
More Groups Join Growing Call to Govt to Replace Entrenched Poverty With Liveable Incomes
Social workers and foodbank organisers are among the latest of now 60+ groups signing an open letter to the government to ensure liveable incomes for ...
covid 19 campaign, Fairer Futures
Dozens of NGOs Urge Jacinda Ardern: Raise Welfare by Christmas
Over 60 prominent organisations have joined together to urge the government to raise income support by Christmas, in order to release families from ...
Election 2020
Anti-Poverty Groups to Labour: Election Results Mean No More Excuses
Child Poverty Action Group, ActionStation and Auckland Action Against Poverty are calling on the new government to follow through quickly on their ...
covid 19 campaign, covid-19, Election 2020
ActionStation & CPAG: Poverty Set to Worsen as COVID Support Ends Tomorrow
Activists and researchers are warning toxic stress, food insecurity and isolation are set to rise for many families in poverty almost immediately, as ...
NZ Lagging Behind in Support for Disabled Children
Children with disability are more likely than other children to live in poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand – but it shouldn’t be this way, says Child ...
WEAG, welfare reform
CPAG Releases Kōrero With Matua Fred Andrews on Kaupapa for Welfare Reform
For te wiki o te reo Māori 2020, Child Poverty Action Group is excited to be releasing a series of videos discussing Kia Piki Ake Te Mana Tangata – ...
Labour’s Welfare Policies Welcome but Silence on Children Disappointing
The Child Poverty Action Group today warmly welcomed the Labour Party’s policies to reinstate the Training Incentive Allowance for sole parents ...
CPAG Disappointed With Government’s Continued Refusal to Extend Crisis Support
A slew of new reports show successive governments have failed children and young people for decades, just as the current government has reiterated ...
covid 19 campaign, covid-19, inc
CPAG and AAAP Call for Extension of Covid Support for NZ’s Most Financially Vulnerable
Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) and Auckland Action Against Poverty (AAAP) are both urging the Government to immediately raise family incomes ...
Tenancy Protection Lifts Wellbeing for Vulnerable Families
Whānau and families will sleep better at night knowing their homes can’t be taken away from them without good reason thanks to the new residential ...
Election 2020
CPAG Calls for Political Parties to Take Child Poverty Seriously This Election
This election offers a unique opportunity to reshape New Zealand’s society so child poverty is dramatically reduced and possibly even eliminated.
Education, ECE
CPAG Calls for Nationalisation of ECE Sector
Child Poverty Action Group is calling on the Government to nationalise early childhood education provision in response to the challenges presented by ...
Fix Working For Families, IWTC, Working For Families
NZ Is Being Shown up by Australia’s Family Tax Credit System - CPAG
CPAG finds that Australia’s family tax benefits system is significantly more generous than New Zealand’s Working for Families tax credits.
Welfare Reform, Welfare Expert Advisory Group, WEAG
The purpose and principles of the social security act: Getting it right
Susan St John
Income Support
Covid-19, Food Insecurity, Family Tax Credits, Covid 19 campaign
How can we ask families to stock up for a week when they don't have enough for today?
Michael O'Brien
Income Support
Health, Covid 19 campaign
Preventing Covid-19 health inequities: An urgent duty of care to children in poverty
Prof Innes Asher, Dr Jin Russell, Prof Nikki Turner, Janet McAllister
Food Insecurity
Food Insecurity, Income Support, Covid-19, Covid 19 campaign
The Government’s response to lockdown hardship has been piecemeal and inadequate. Why?
Janet McAllister
Food Insecurity
Covid-19, Emergency Housing, Covid 19 campaign, housing
A delta health crisis thrives when it meets a crisis in housing and poverty
Professor Innes Asher
Where Will We Live In The Future? The Unmet Housing Needs of People With Disabilities and Their Whānau
Where Will We Live In The Future? The Unmet Housing Needs of People With Disabilities and Their Whānau.
No Plan, No Budget: Two Years on From WEAG, Government Continues to Drag Its Feet
Two years on since government-appointed experts recommended a complete overhaul of our welfare system, children, families, those with disabilities ...
Income Support
Covid 19 campaign
"I don’t use my oven" - Life Without a Liveable Income
Interviews show people receiving benefits have been largely neglected in the wake of Covid - and how that affects their mental wellbeing.
Louise Humpage, Charlotte Moore
Income Support
What the Annual Child Poverty Stats Tell Us
Covid-19 is no excuse for Government failure to care for children. It is, in fact, a reason to step-up efforts to ensure children are protected from ...
Janet McAllister
Working for Families, Welfare
Fix Working For Families
Does the Tail Wag the Dog?
The major Working for Families review undertaken by IRD, Treasury and MSD is taking place behind closed doors. There are no published terms of ...
Susan St John
Working for Families, Welfare
Fix Working For Families
International Women’s Day? How Are the Worst Off Mothers and Their Kids Doing?
Meaningful reform to WFF is well over-due. There is much unconscious bias and implicit racism in the current WFF.
Susan St John
Housing, Tax
housing, tax
Picking up the Tax Hose to Help Cool the Housing Market
The problem is clear. Monetary policy has inflated the property market with cheap money. The result has been a mushrooming wealth divide.
Susan St John
Housing, Tax
Election 2020
Election 2020
2020 Election Policy Scorecard
CPAG’s election scorecard shows our assessment of the efficacy of announced party policies in our election priority areas of income adequacy, housing ...
Election 2020
Why Child Poverty Statistics Can Be Tricky
Child poverty stats can be tricky and they're in the news a lot in the lead-up to the election; We’ve put this information together in the hope it ...
Janet McAllister
Covid 19 campaign
Fixing Unemployment: Social Insurance and a Job Guarantee
Michael Fletcher’s presentation on social insurance as an unemployment response for New Zealand post-Covid.
Michael Fletcher
Covid 19 campaign
On COVID-19 Resurgence in Tāmaki Makaurau
Where is digital exclusion in the COVID19 psychosocial & mental wellbeing recovery plan?
Relationships, Covid 19 campaign
Let’s See All Mums Get a Fair Go
This crisis has taught us a lot about ourselves and our collective strength as a community.
Georgie Craw
Welfare, Incomes
Helping or Harming? Compulsory Income Management in Australia and New Zealand
Imagine that during the Covid-19 lockdown you had no means to buy online goods, because your EFTPOS-like card could only be used in person at a ...
Louise Humpage
Welfare, Incomes
What Is to Become of Our Housing Post Covid-19?
We need to be wary of the law of unintended consequences as we contemplate what our post-Covid-19 future might look like.
Alan Johnson
New Zealand's Welfare System Fails to Recognise the Dignity of Our People - How Can We Fix It?
New Zealanders believe in justice. We care about protecting our right to a dignified and decent life. An effective welfare system is only serving its ...
Saralee Gore
Child Poverty
In 2020 the NZ Govt Should Take a Leaf out of Alberta's Book
In 2020, the big question will be, can the Government end child poverty in Aotearoa? The answer is yes, but the steps need to be bold, and a shining ...
Claire Dale
Child Poverty
Dear New Zealand Government, this Christmas Families Want a Light at the End of the Tunnel
Many of us are anxious about the tally of expenditure and what that will mean for the year to come.
Jeni Cartwright
Government Shouldn't Sit on $7.5b Surplus while Families Need Help
Tuesday's announcement from Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Finance Minister Grant Robertson about a whopping $7.5 billion surplus came as a ...
Innes Asher
Children are Taonga, Handle their Dreams with Aroha
My teammates and I recently spent time in a classroom of children at a decile 2 school, talking about hopes and dreams, and what’s needed to achieve ...
Jeni Cartwright
Children's Rights
Let's Give Kids What They Want - Their Rights
When New Zealand’s tamariki and rangatahi were consulted about wellbeing, they responded with the kind of clarity, insight and brutal honesty that my ...
Renee Manella
Children's Rights
Define The Relationship: DTR Work and Income-Style
Everyone, no matter how much they earn, should have the right to choose who they love and live with. But if you're a single parent on income support ...
Renee Manella
Budget 2019
Budget campaign
Still Smarting from that Not-Too-Long-Ago Budget
With all the tools in our kit to finally revamp our failing social support system, the 2019 Wellbeing Budget could have been transformational for ...
Renee Manella
Budget 2019
Let Beneficiaries Keep More Earnings: A Letter to Jacinda, Grant and Carmel
Rather than encouraging beneficiaries to do more paid work if they can, the current thresholds have exactly the opposite effect.
Anne Else
Benefit Sanctions, WEAG
Act Urgently - Change Fundamentally. The Time is Now.
There’s a line in the Executive Summary of the Welfare Expert Advisory Group (WEAG) report that sums things up perfectly: “Urgent and fundamental ...
Renee Manella
Disability Allowance
New Zealand's Disability Allowances are Failing Disabled Children
In 2013, the median payment rate for disability allowances for children in the United Kingdom was almost three times higher than in New Zealand.
Sam Murray
Disability Allowance
Working for Families
Fix Working For Families
Home Truths About the Tricky In-Work Tax Credit
If the income from work is not in itself an incentive, and needs to be topped up by the government to make it worth the effort, then that raises ...
Renee Manella
Working for Families
Parents Aren’t Asking for the Earth, Just a Safe, Affordable Home for Their Kids
The latest announcement from Housing Minister Phil Twyford on the new Healthy Homes standards is really great news. The new standards will mean ...
Jeni Cartwright
Education, Incomes
Back-To-School Costs: a Looming Spiral of Debt
Single parents on low incomes are always treading water. The problem is that when we start the year facing several hundred dollars of costs, well, ...
Renee Manella
Education, Incomes
The Recovery Phase of Christmas - Is There Really Such a Thing?
Doing Christmas ‘on the cheap’ is not as easy as many suggest it is, and often with the best of intentions those who try still end up spending more ...
Jeni Cartwright
The Power of Manaakitanga: The Socially-Inclusive Practice of Sharing Food Amongst High School Students
The essence of ‘manaakitanga’ is in demonstrating hospitality, showing respect and generosity and providing support for others. It is the foundation ...
Therese Luxton
Taskforce Report Has the Future Success of All Schools and Students at Its Heart
The Tomorrow’s Schools Independent Taskforce recommends system and structural changes which will require far greater ‘working together’ and will ...
Vicki Carpenter
Time to Fast-Forward to a Future Where Tenants Have Control of Their Housing Situations
Landlords can evict a person for lots of reasons, or for no reason. Maybe this made sense in 1986; the policy context was different. Renting was seen ...
Sara Epperson
Welfare Fit For Families
Important Questions From an Advocate at the Coalface
In her work as an advocate who supports beneficiaries with their Work and Income (WINZ) appointments, author Pip Colgan sees many heartbreaking cases ...
Pip Colgan
Food Insecurity
World Food Day: Fill Tummies, Grow Minds and Have #Zerohunger in NZ
On World Food Day, let’s really talk about about securing #ZeroHunger schools in New Zealand where every child is nutritiously fed at every school ...
Becky Little
Food Insecurity
Winter Energy Payment
About that Winter Energy Payment...
Why some struggling families miss out on the Government's Winter Energy Payment over winter, while many over-65s not in need get it automatically?
Mary Mowbray
Winter Energy Payment
Social Security
Launch of the Greens Campaign on Welfare Reform
Congratulations to the Green Party for their initiative that calls for an overhaul of the welfare system which is no longer ‘fit for purpose’. 2018 ...
Susan St John
Social Security
Food Insecurity
Fill a Hungry Belly or Meet Nutritional Guides? The Impossible Choices Facing Low-Income Families.
Families make ends meet in a number of ways. A common method of survival is to increase uptake of inexpensive highly-processed products. These are ...
Rebekah Graham
Food Insecurity
Money Week
Money Week 2018: Weathering a Perpetual Storm
‘Money week’ is like birthdays and Christmas – they are not something you look forward to if you don’t have any money.
Claire Dale
Money Week
Working for Families
Welfare Fit For Families
Recognising the Vital, Unpaid Work That Secures Our Future
How much are caregivers of the young worth to an ageing society? In the years to come, a growing demographic of retired baby boomers will be evermore ...
Jeni Cartwright
Working for Families
Fix Working For Families, Welfare Fit For Families
Working for Families Is Not a Trap, It’s a Run-Down House in Need of TLC
People should be wary of recent criticism of Working for Families (WFF) tax credits as being a poverty trap. The problem is not the system itself, ...
Jeni Cartwright
Severe Deprivation - The Harsh Reality for 140,000 Children
Why are we deducting money that is intended for children’s basic needs, from meagre incomes, just to claw back potential child support losses that ...
Jeni Cartwright
Banks Blacklist Truck Vendors and Predatory Lenders. Time for the Government to Act
On 18 April, responding to Sarah Hall’s story on Newsroom about truck vendors, Kris Faafoi, the Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister, said there ...
Claire Dale
Children's Rights
Human Rights, Housing and Child Poverty - Where Do We Stand?
How well is New Zealand doing to ensure it upholds its international obligations to human rights, especially where they relate to children?
Jeni Cartwright
Children's Rights
Dilapidated Rental Homes Are a Health Hazard for Children
A good tenancy contract shouldn’t be felt or considered a privilege, it should be a right. As renters, and as parents, we should be assured of ...
Jeni Cartwright
Fighting for a Fairer Welfare System
Vanessa Cole, Co-ordinator for Auckland Action Against Poverty spoke at CPAG’s launch of our new report “Further fraying of the welfare safety net”, ...
Vanessa Cole
A Richer New Zealand Curriculum Is Possible Without National Standards
Raising achievement is not gained by assessments which check whether a child is at a particular level. Yet testing became the overarching norm to ...
Dr Vicki Carpenter
When Is MSD Going to Give Up Its Damaging and Arcane Views Towards Sole Mothers Who Repartner?
Should sole parents who are fighting just to get by, and to raise healthy children, really be considered fraudulent, if all that’s happened is they ...
Jeni Cartwright
When the State Turned Away: Sarah’s Story
With all the rhetoric around domestic violence and women and children it’s hard to believe that even today when women experience hardship and reach ...
Therese Luxton
It’s Money Week, Let’s Talk About Debt for Low-Income Families
CPAG talks to Robert Choy, executive officer at Ngā Tangata Microfinance about high-interest debt and its effects on low-income families.
Social Security
Box-Checking Is a Game of No Responsibility
A worker at the coalface (who chooses not to be named) tells CPAG about the disparities in social service organisations across the nation, and the ...
Social Security
Sick Children Will Be Helped by Healthy Homes Bill
With winter now well set in, emergency departments around New Zealand are being inundated by our most vulnerable population- our children.
Innes Asher, Chloe Humphrey
Befuddling Figures Will Not House Families in Need
It’s time our Government stopped confusing the nation with its baffling numbers and vague talk of housing projects, and showed New Zealanders a real ...
Jeni Cartwright
Dispelling the Myths of Food Poverty
There's a mountain of research to show that when it's incredibly hard to make ends meet, it's food that takes the hit, because it's the only flexible ...
Anne Else
Making Sense of the Government’s Housing Numbers
Social Housing Minister Amy Adams’ claims of 72,000 social housing units by 2021 deserves special scrutiny because this number doesn’t exist in the ...
Alan Johnson
Budget 2017
Would You Buy Your Child’s Future From This Man?
There is a world of difference between a customer and a citizen. A customer buys goods and services; a citizen is a member of a country and has ...
Budget 2017
Will the Real Home Truths Please Stand Up?
The New Zealand Herald’s recent “Home Truths” series brought some significant insights into New Zealand’s unaffordable housing crisis. The enormous ...
Bex Rillstone
Debt, Poverty
Wild West in the Suburbs
The World Bank consistently ranks New Zealand as first out of 190 countries for ease of doing business, starting a business, protecting minority ...
Debt, Poverty
Working for Families
Fix Working For Families
Supporting “Hard-Working Families”?
Why do we need tax credits? Tax credits keep the whole shebang of family income afloat. Wages are now so far behind the basic costs of living that, ...
Emily Keddell
Working for Families
Children Deserve the Best Education, All the Time
There is something profoundly pleasing in reading of innovation and success in one of New Zealand’s low-decile schools.
Vicki Carpenter
The Smoke and Mirrors of Benefit Figures
The latest figures released by the Ministry of Social Development show numbers of Sole Parent Support recipients are dropping. But a lack of ...
Alicia Sudden
Guest Blog, Education
Quality, Inclusive Early Childhood Education in Aotearoa New Zealand: Under-Funded and Neglected
Quality inclusive early childhood care and education (ECCE) benefits everybody immediately and into the long term. Low quality ECCE has a negative ...
Bernadette Macartney
Guest Blog, Education
So, How Are We Making Our Investments?
Much has been said and written about 'social investment' this year, and undoubtedly even more will be made of the idea in 2017.
Michael O'Brien
Targeting Single Health Issues Will Not Fix Child Poverty
Health issues arise from a range of complex environmental, social, and physical reasons. The solutions to them are rarely linear.
Nikki Turner
Tenure Security Is Bigger Than Longer Leases
Our tenancy laws are well overdue for an overhaul.
Alan Johnson
The Slow Demise of the Accommodation Supplement
As any long-term tenant will know, rents have moved on considerably since 2005. There are various measures for rent inflation and if some are to be ...
Alan Johnson
High School Students and Poverty: What Does It Mean to Them?
Therese Luxton of Child Poverty Action Group, visited James Cook High School in Manurewa to discuss with students what poverty is like for real New ...
Therese Luxton
Working for Families
From the Cradle
Magnanimity, no matter how pure hearted, is not a sustainable basis for a social welfare state. The only sustainable basis is mutual interdependence ...
Eliza Prestidge Oldfield
Working for Families
Health, Housing
The Links Between Mould, Cold and Children’s Learning
Unhealthy and insecure accommodation has adverse effects on children’s health and wellbeing, which in turn affects their learning and development.
John O'Neill
Health, Housing
Guest Blog, Health, Housing
Child Poverty - A Medical Student’s Perspective
Even if as a doctor you are doing your best while the boy is in hospital, the improvement you can make is limited by the home environment.
Frances Oliver
Guest Blog, Health, Housing
Housing, Guest Blog
Can You Pick Which One of These Young People Might Be Homeless?
April 15th is Youth Homelessness Matters Day, and Lifewise and Youthline are joining forces to raise awareness about youth homelessness in New ...
Rebekah Sherriff
Housing, Guest Blog
Guest Blog
I Grew up Hungry: Why I Give to Child Poverty Charities
My three sisters and I never had breakfast, and packed lunches were something mythical. They were something that other kids got out of their ...
Rebekah Sherriff
Guest Blog
Child Poverty, Guest Blog
We Must Get On the Same Page About Child Poverty Numbers
Through no fault of their own thousands of children live in households with incomes that scarcely cover the basics, least of all luxuries such as a ...
Donna Wynd
Child Poverty, Guest Blog
Welfare System
Benefit Sanctions, Income Support, Income Poverty, Social Security Act
Submission: Social Security Act Ammendment Bill ( Benefit Sanctions)
Welfare System
Read more
Rental, Housing, Regional
Rental research: Regional Trends in Affordable Rental Supply 2018-2023
Greg Waite
Read more
Housing, WEAG, Welfare System
Housing, Rental
Rental research: a more transparent and reliable measure of rental affordability
Housing, WEAG, Welfare System
Greg Waite
Read more
Incomes, Policy Brief
2023 Policy Brief on Relationship Income Rules
Incomes, Policy Brief
Read more
Food Security, Policy Brief
2023 Policy Brief on Food Security
Food Security, Policy Brief
Read more
Education, Policy Brief
2023 Policy Brief on Early Childhood Care & Education
Education, Policy Brief
Read more
Welfare System
Income Poverty, Income Support, Food Security, Work and Income
Modelling income adequacy for those on Benefits
Welfare System
Child poverty (broad)
Are the rights of children experiencing poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand being observed?
Child poverty (broad)
Dana Wensley
Welfare System
Submission: Child Support (Pass On) Amendment Bill
Welfare System
Child poverty (broad)
A Review of Law and Policy of Child Poverty Reduction from 2018 to 2022
Child poverty (broad)
Dana Wensley
Welfare System
Insights from the MSD Child Poverty Report 2022
Welfare System
Yvonne Van Dongen, Susan St John, Mike O'Brien
Submission: Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media Bill
Social Hazards, Food Security
Submission: Child Poverty Related Indicators
Social Hazards, Food Security
Child poverty (broad)
Improving the Child Poverty Reduction Framework
Child poverty (broad)
Susan St John
Welfare System
Welfare, Income Support, Wellbeing, Social Secutrity
Feedback: Amending New Zealand’s Social Security Act 2018: Foundation for Change engagement ...
Welfare System
Susan St John
Welfare System
Welfare, Income Support, Wellbeing, Social Secutrity
Submission: On A New Zealand Income Insurance Scheme
Welfare System
Submission: Budget Policy Statement 2021 (Budget 2022)
Alan Johnson
Child Protection
Children's Rights, Tamariki Māori, Children's Commissioner, te Tiriti o Waitangi
Submission: On the Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System and Children and Young People's Commission ...
Child Protection
Mike O'Brien, Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns
Child Protection
Children's Rights, Tamariki Māori, Children's Commissioner, te Tiriti o Waitangi
Joint Children’s Sector Submission to the Social Services and Community Select Committee: Oversight ...
Child Protection
Welfare System, Health
Accident Compensation, Birth, Injury, Parent, Support
Submission: On the Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
Welfare System, Health
Innes Asher, Susan St John, Georgie Craw
WEAG, Welfare System
Disability, Debt, Māori, Pacific, Work and Income, Welfare Reform, Welfare Expert Advisory Group
Children Can't Live On Promises: A 2021 Stocktake of Implementation of the Welfare Expert Advisory ...
WEAG, Welfare System
Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns, Innes Asher, Alan Johnson
Submission: On Buy-Now, Pay-Later products
Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns
In-Work Tax Credit
Australia and NZ tax credits for children. A 5-year comparison: July 2018- July 2023 - Part 2 of ...
Susan St John, Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns
Submission: Inquiry into school attendance
Tax Policy
Housing, Tax
The Fair Economic Return tax - a summary
Tax Policy
Child Poverty
Social Insurance, Justice System, Housing, Welfare Reform
Submission: Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into the Drivers of Persistent Disadvantage - Terms ...
Child Poverty
Welfare System
Benefit Fraud, Relationship Rules
The Stories of Kathryn and her Daughters
Welfare System
Catriona MacLennan
Welfare System
Social Secutrity
Social Unemployment Insurance: Concerns From Equity And Anti-Poverty Perspectives
Welfare System
Child Poverty Reduction, Health, Child Poverty Monitor, Benefit Sanctions, Material Hardship, Welfare Reform, Housing, Food Security
Reducing Child Poverty in Aotearoa: Are we there yet?
Innes Asher
Health, Oral health
Submission: On the Inquiry into Supplementary Order Paper No. 38 on the Health (Fluoridation of ...
Welfare System
In-Work Tax Credit, Welfare, WEAG
Ensuring Adequate Indexation of Working for Families - Part 1 of the Rethinking Income Support for ...
Welfare System
Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns, Susan St John
Housing, Disability
Disability, Housing
Where will we live in the future?: Research into the Unmet Housing Needs of People with ...
Housing, Disability
Benefit Sanctions
Submission: On the removal of the Subsequent Child Policy 2021
Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns
Submission: On the Budget Policy Statement 2021 - Oral
Working for Families, Sanctions
Submission: On the Budget Policy Statement 2021 - Written
Submission to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bill
Child poverty (broad), Health
2021 Briefing to the Incoming Minister: Health
Child poverty (broad), Health
Child poverty (broad), Housing
Health, Housing
2021 Briefing to the Incoming Minister: Housing
Child poverty (broad), Housing
Covid-19, Working for Families, Debt, Tamariki Māori, Pasifika Children, Election 2020
2020 Briefing to the Incoming Minister: Income Support
Welfare System, WEAG
Disability, Debt, Māori, Pacific, Social Security Act, Welfare Expert Advisory Group, Work and Income, Welfare Reform, Sanctions, WEAG
What Happened to ‘Welfare Overhaul’? A Stocktake of Implementation of the Welfare Expert Advisory ...
Welfare System, WEAG
Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns, Innes Asher
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Covid-19, Work and Income, Ethnicity, Welfare Reform, Covid 19 campaign
Income Support in the Wake of COVID-19: Survey
Louise Humpage, Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns
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Covid-19, Māori, Child Poverty Targets, Covid 19 campaign
Sheltering Our Children From COVID-19 Fallout: New Zealand Must Raise Incomes for the Financially ...
Janet McAllister
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Health, Disability
Disability, Welfare Reform, Mental Health, Caregiving
‘Living well’? Children with disability need far greater income support in Aotearoa
Health, Disability
Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns, Sam Murray, Jin Russell, Jane Lee
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Accommodation Supplement, Tamariki Māori, Election 2020
Our policy priorities to reduce child poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand: Housing
Tamariki Māori, Pasifika Children
Investing in Children? Privatisation and Early Childhood Education and Care in Aotearoa New Zealand
Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns, Jenny Ritchie
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Health, Disability
Disability, GP Visits, Social Hazards, Mental Health, Oral health
Our policy priorities to reduce child poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand: Health and Disability
Health, Disability
Welfare Expert Advisory Group, Welfare Reform, Sole Parents, Relationship Rules, In-Work Tax Credit, Sanctions, Debt, Disability, Social Insurance
Our policy priorities to reduce child poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand: Income Support
In-Work Tax Credit
Family tax credits: Do children get the support in New Zealand that they would get in Australia?
Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns, Susan St John
Food Security
Health, Tamariki Māori, Inequality, Racism, Ethnicity
Food insecurity and Māori: research, rhetoric, Racism and rights
Food Security
Christina McKerchar
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Child Poverty
Covid-19, Child Poverty Targets
A Scenario for Changes in Child Poverty Rates From the COVID-19 Recession
Child Poverty
Health, Education, Housing
CPAG's analysis of the 2020 Government budget
Claire Dale, Innes Asher, Susan St John, Gerry Cotterell, Mike O'Brien, Alan Johnson, Justin Latif, Georgie Craw
In-Work Tax Credit, Child Poverty Targets
Briefing on reform of the In-Work Tax Credit
Susan St John
Child Poverty Action Group’s response to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to ...
Child Poverty
Child Poverty Reduction Act, Inequality, Health, Disability, Food Security
Thematic report: Child Poverty in Aotearoa / New Zealand
Child Poverty
Mental Health, Welfare Reform, In-Work Tax Credit
Submission on the Budget Policy Statement 2020
Food Security
Food Security
Aotearoa, Land of the Long Wide Bare Cupboard
Food Security
Elaine Rush, Rebekah Graham, Sarah Gerritsen, Christina McKerchar, Jennifer Utter, Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns, Becky Little, Laurie Wharemate-Keung
National’s family incomes support policy: A new paradigm shift or more of the same?
Susan St John, Gerry Cotterell
Welfare System
Welfare Reform, Welfare Expert Advisory Group, Colonisation, Social Security Act, Tamariki Māori, Te Ao Māori, Debt, Disability, Social Services, Accommodation Supplement, In-Work Tax Credit, Work and Income, Inequality, Relationship Rules, Sole Parents, Public Attitudes, Housing
Proceedings Summit 2019: Whakamana Tāngata: Where to from here?
Welfare System
Georgie Craw, Andrew Becroft, Innes Asher, Khylee Quince, Carmel Sepuloni, Bill Rosenberg, Susan St John, Moira Lawler, Sam Murray, Kay Brereton, Ricardo Mendez March, Michael Fletcher, Laura O'Connel Rapira, Len Cook
Submission on the Retirement Income Review 2019
Welfare System
Welfare Expert Advisory Group, Sanctions, Relationship Rules, Social Security Act, Welfare Reform, Benefit Fraud
The experts can all agree: Whakamana Tāngata response from Child Poverty Action Group
Welfare System
CPAG, Jeni Cartwright, Georgie Craw
Child Poverty
Child Poverty Targets, Health, Housing
Child Poverty in New Zealand: Educational resource
Child Poverty
Welfare System
Welfare Expert Advisory Group, Housing, Māori, Accommodation Supplement, Social Security Act, Welfare Reform
What the Government needs to do now to lift children out of poverty
Welfare System
Welfare System
Relationship Rules, Sole Parents, Work and Income, Welfare Reform, Benefit Fraud
‘Relationship status’ and the Welfare System in Aotearoa New Zealand
Welfare System
Olivia Healey, Jennifer Curtin
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Debt, Welfare Expert Advisory Group
Submission on the Credit Contracts Legislation Amendment Bill
Inequality, Welfare Expert Advisory Group, Accommodation Supplement
The Accommodation Supplement: The wrong tool to fix the house
Janet McAllister, Susan St John, Alan Johnson
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Mental Health, GP Visits, Accommodation Supplement, Education, Social Services, Oranga Tamariki, Inequality
Budget Summary: Improving child Wellbeing? Some relief, but no transformation
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Lost in the Margins: How Incomplete Data Undermines Child Poverty Solutions